How My horse helped my Daughter
- My daughter was going through really hard times I mean really hard. Struggling with something no child should have to struggle with. One day the thought of getting her a horse came into my head. Not only did it come into my head but in never left. After much thought and prayer we decided to find away. We found a way to afford it.
- Thank heavens we did. Our horse saved her sole. Truly although her struggle has been over 8 years now our horse has truly saved her. Emotionally and mentally he has been the vital rock she needs. I don’t know what it is about horses but their is just something extra special about them. Like the vail is open for them, ya know!?! We are so grateful for their beautiful bond.
Below is parts of an Article telling you all about How science or studies back this up.
Ever wonder how a horse could help you cope with grief, trauma and emotional pain? Turns out, horses possess an evolutionary advantage that enables them to pick up on our most subtle emotions, while at the same time not being judgmental and even uncovering emotional blind spots. That means they are the ideal tool for teaching people how to deal with everything from a life-ending diagnosis and physical death of a loved one to miscarriage, divorce and much more.
So, How Exactly Can Horses Help Your Mental Health?
Horses are extremely sensitive to human emotions, mirroring feelings and providing feedback. Equine learning/therapy offers people the chance to interact with horses via exercises such as coaxing them to come, picking up and cleaning their feet, or walking them through an obstacle course. An equine therapist then observes how a person interacts with the horse, and that helps shed light on issues that need to be worked through.
In the book “Riding Home: The Power of Horses to Heal,” author Tim Hayes praises equine therapy as one of the most effective and therapeutic methods of healing humans. “Horses,” he writes, “provide a safe and neutral environment to process grief. In their herd, we are heard and allowed to just be present with the emotions we are experiencing without any judgment. Interacting with the horses naturally elicits an opportunity to bond. It, therefore, provides opportunities to reconnect the parts of ourselves that shut down after a loss.
“Interacting with horses can naturally bring about feelings of wellness, empowerment, peace and confidence,” Hayes continues. “For many, this is just the space needed that will allow the healing and adjusting to life without your loved one to take place. Finding a presence of peace and acceptance from the horses provides an outlet to seek out realistic solutions to problems posed by life without your loved one, and finally to deal with and accept the reality of your situation.”
Carruthers adds that many unrecognized emotions that might have been ignored or even forgotten from past situations can become prominent when a person passes away. “While the loved one was alive, resentment, anger and the inability to forgive could have been managed,” she says. “But once a person passes away, the opportunity to find resolution is over, and people can feel profound guilt and or anger from past unresolved situations.
“Horses are built to feel this energy, mirror it back and provide a safe container for the grieving individual to release the emotion,” she adds. “The release can be a simple acknowledgment of that anger, or even a response of forgiveness as the anger is expressed, and mourning can start to heal the emotional pain.”
How Do People Respond to This Type of Therapy?
It depends on the type of session in which the client participates. At Skye Blue, Carruthers offers both individual sessions and six-week programs. “The outcomes are client-centric,” she says, “meaning the outcomes will vary for each participant, because their own journey is personal and unique.”
Some examples of outcomes, she adds, include a deep sense of support that helps identify a specific next step needed in the healing journey, as well as resolutions of feeling at peace with the altered framework of a new life without their loved one. Development of a mindfulness practice also enables the client to stay present in the more difficult moments of their grief, rather than ignoring or numbing the emotion. In other words, they have learned to stay present enough to process it.
“As for how people respond,” says Carruthers, “I have had clients reach out months after just one session to tell me how profoundly the session had changed their lives.”
“Through Flying Change,” Corcoran adds, “we have seen clients of all ages and backgrounds motivated by the guidance, acceptance and love of a horse to grow into happier, healthier, more peaceful and more loving people.
To Read this whole article click here to go to it.
As you can see just from these clips there is great results.
- Just like with my daughter so many have see wonderful results from this kind of therapy. I have heard of prisons and youth and adults with disabilities thriving thanks to growing a bond with horses. I also know of drug addiction who have thrived because of horse therapy.
- You can fins these kinds of facilities any where, any state! Just google horse therapy and your state and I am sure you will find multiple places.
The Last Thing You Need to Know about this is if your struggling give it a try.
- Yes horse are big and can be unpredictable BUT just go to a place that has great horses, knows what they are doing with lots of experience and check the reviews!
- I have seen it bless my daughter and have heard so many other amazing stories