The Beginners Guide to How to Pick Up and Hold Your Bunny
It’s very important to pick up and hold you bunny the right way. If you don’t they can be very frightened and threatened even jump for it and really hurt themselves.
Once when we first started buying our sweet fir babies, we picked one up the wrong way and he was terrified so he leap out of our hands from up high and when he landed he made a sad cry. We knew he’d really hurt him self. I decided then to do a little research my self and pay attention to when my bunnies seemed to feel most safe and calm. Below is what I have learned and I now have 8 bunnies who let me pick them up and love on them.
What Is The Big Deal?
Holding your bunny is a very big deal. They are prey! If you don’t pick them up right they go into complete panic and fear mode.
I have heard so many say bunnies don’t like to be held! Well maybe its just my Holland Lops but all 8 of mine seem to love it. They love to be petted and scratched and just snuggled right up to us!
How to get started with 6 Steps on Picking Up Your Bunny and Holding It.
Approach your pet where it can see you. Bunnies are prey animals, so sneaking up on them puts them in a very compromised position in their minds. They absolutely do NOT like it.
Take a second to pet your bunny. 5 of my 8 bunnies like to sniff my hand first, all my bunnies like to be petted on their heads and around their ears. Taking a few seconds to relax your bunny before you try and pick it up can go a long way toward successfully holding him/her.
Slide your hand under your bunnyONE HAND ONLY!!!! do NOT use both hands on each side they hate that it scares all 8 of my bunnies!!!! so the main part of your hand is under it’s chest with your hand right around her armpits. Using the hand that you write with can make this feel very natural for you, helping you to be more relaxed.
Gently begin to lift your bunny off the ground so that his/her hind legs are the last part to leave the ground. Right before its back legs leave the ground, slide your other hand under their butt (cupping its hips) leaving its legs to dangle. Do not lift your rabbit very high off the ground at this point. If they begins to struggle you will want to be able to gently return her to the ground (back legs should be placed on the ground first). They really seem to love your second hand under their butts! This makes them feel much safer!
Bring your bunny up to your chest to provide a secure position for you to hold them. As you raise your bunny up it will be looking for this secure feeling. Do not squeeze your rabbit, rather firmly and gently hold her. This will help her not have too much room to struggle. If they start to struggle you are going to want to either return them to the ground as quickly and calmly as you can, or they may be saying “Let me down, I want to explore”. Either way just don’t let them fall or leap out of your arms. When I am holding mine once I have them buy my chest I immediately start to scratch the back of their necks and their back and side. they love it. I also will put them in my lap and scratch or pet them and they love it. Eventually they try to get off my lap cause they want to explore 🙂
Tips for Success:
If your bunny hops away don’t panic! Be patient and just keep trying to get them back to their cage. Don’t grab their leg, head, ears, or any other part of the body! Be patient and pick them up the way we said. Any other way will hurt them physically and mentally.
The Last Thing You Need to Know about How to Pick Up Your Bunny
Be patient and kind. Don’t force them! If they are knew keep trying but let them decide. In the mean time if they aren’t having it just go and let them sniff you, try and pet them, get in the cage with them and let them come to you, and talk to them!!!!