Best Show Shirts, gloves, and hair nets For Hunter/jumper!

I Don’t know about you but I just love to show! I love being able to show everyone how much I’ve progressed since the last time! Showing makes me feel accomplished and just plain happy! I love the feeling I get every time we’re going over the jumps! And I just love jumping with horse in general!

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shirts for showing:

  • When you show, odds are you’re going to have to wear a certain outfit. You for sure will if you do Hunter (which is what I do) or Jumper. Here’s some shirts I like to wear are very good 🙂

White polo show shirt:


  • I LOVE these kinds of shirts! The one I have now has lasted me forever! They are a fitted shirt, so they fit tight around you…not to the point of being unbearable, but just enough so there’s nothing loose anywhere while you ride. I find them very comfy as well! They also just look really nice which is a bonus 🙂 If you’re going to do Hunter, you’re going to have to wear a show shirt under your show jacket, and these kinds are my favorite 🙂 Im not a hundred percent sure if your under shirt has to be white, but I’ve always just liked it so i’ve kept it.
  • In the summer you can also get these kinds of shirts as short sleeved, which is also nice because it can get pretty dang hot with that jacket…believe me. Sometimes the judge wont make you wear the jacket at all, but most of the time you have to.

show jacket:

  • You wear your show jacket over your under shirt. Again, I like the tight fitting ones, I think they’re nice looking, and comfy. The jacket in the picture is really nice because the entire jacket is covered In breathing holes! This would come in handy during the summer, and even the fall , because your body will be sweating after the first couple jumps. This jacket allows air to come inside and lets your body breath. Your jacket can be different colors than just black. Mine is a navy blue and I love it!

show gloves:

  • You don’t have to have gloves when you show, but it’s not a bad idea to wear them either…I do not like wearing gloves at all! I hate how they feel on my hands (I’m weird that way), but I do wear them when I ride. When you wear gloves it protects your palms from becoming sore as you hold the reigns. My hands have blistered in the past because I refused to wear gloves, but once I did, they were fine and I haven’t blistered since 🙂 When you show, it’s the same thing. Your hands could become sore and blister, especially if your horse like to tug on the reins. Wearing gloves will protect your hands and it looks nice 🙂
  • These are the exact pair I have that I use when I show, and I LOVE them. They fit nice and I can get a good grip on the reigns still without any soreness starting. I would recommend getting yourself a pair of gloves for both, when you show, and when you’re just riding.

hair net:

  • You will need a hair net. Find one that matches your hair color, if you have black hair and get a blonde hair net…that may look a little odd 🙂 Honestly out of everything I have to wear when I show, hair nets bug me the most. I think it’s a little weird that we have to wear our hair up under our helmets, but you know…it’s fine 🙂 There are some benefits to it though, like in the summer you don’t have hair on your neck causing you to sweat even more than you already are 🙂 and it’s not flying all over your face going over jumps.

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